This Charity Ball season, I have been reflecting a lot on ‘after’:
How are my former students doing after high school?
What work will I do after I eventually step down from Student Council (not an announcement!)?
How are some of those students who needed more support and care doing after they lose the framework of high school?
How am I going to motivate Junior Council to work on prom after the Charity Ball roller coaster?
After 7 years of teaching and 4 years of studenting at Enloe, how can I continue to get better at supporting my ‘kids’?
With each of these ‘afters’, they quickly become ‘nows’. At IGNITE, they operate in the ‘after’. Every person they serve is trying to figure out how to do something ‘after’ a big life transition. As a teacher, knowing that IGNITE can be the answer to the ‘after’ questions for a person with autism is a sigh of relief.
Knowing that IGNITE will function without worry about their own ‘afters’ because of the money these ‘now’ students raised? Well, it’s sure to be one of my favorite ‘after’ stories:
After ECB raised 200k for Autism Society of North Carolina, IGNITE served as a community pillar for autism support for years to come.
Helon Davis
Junior Council Advisor