In our society, the ability to achieve success is defined by one’s privilege: whether it be racial, socioeconomic, or ability. But for those who lack certain privileges, those who are at a disadvantage because of circumstances they cannot control, becoming successful- according to society’s standards- is often a seemingly impossible scenario. Often times, this is the result of a broken system that allows people to slip through the cracks. These people are the forgotten, those who have nowhere to turn, left without access to the resources and support they need.
One in three young adults with autism has no paid job experience, college education, or technical training nearly seven years after high school graduation. After individuals with autism finish high school, there is a sudden scarcity of opportunities for support. They have no resources or guidance to help them navigate the next chapter of their lives. IGNITE serves to address these needs, helping members to improve social skills and financial literacy to allow them to achieve educational and employment success, rather than fall through the cracks.
Those who are forgotten are those that are in the most need. The fight to remember the forgotten, to include the marginalized, is at the core of an organization like Enloe Charity Ball or a program like IGNITE. Join us as we fight this fight, not just for the members of IGNITE, but for all of those who are forgotten.
Carter Wood
Executive Publicity Officer