As a senior, I reflect on the past years I have gone through at Enloe and see the process unfolding for many others.
Freshman– It is a time to ask questions, all the questions, no matter how small. Charity Ball can be seen as big and scary for someone not used to the process: Don’t worry, it will make sense before December 8th. It’s the feeling of purpose – raising money and volunteering so that kids our age with autism have access to opportunities – no one can miss.
Sophomore– High school isn’t as scary anymore. As we find ourselves gravitating towards our interests, connections with upperclassmen and teachers become mentors, guiding us through the process. In student council, no matter your grade, everyone plays a significant role to pull Charity Ball.
Junior–There is an eagerness in the air to prove yourself. Student council is amazing because it gives us a chance as individuals, as teenagers, to discover our talents. The great part about Enloe is that we are never limited; there is always a space for you to come up with your own ideas and form them into actuality.
Senior– As I talk to parents at open house and magnet fairs, the first thing I say about Enloe is the diversity. The diversity of people and opinions here has allowed opportunities like kids raise in 200k for charity in four months. Point blank: you can not find that anywhere else. High school is the place to make self-discoveries. It is where we all develop dreams, cultivate strengths, find our purpose. The Charity Ball atmosphere leaves gives everyone affected a reason to be alive with purpose.
Ann Winstead
Senior Class Senator