“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
Service is the will and ability to enrich the lives of others through the constant dedication of one’s time to make a difference. In the middle of my second Enloe Charity Ball season, I feel the excitement. The decorations, 2B Wars, Coin Drive, hot chocolate/coffee sales, and Space Jam are all the small events that lead up to the big day! Enloe Charity Ball is so much more than a check, it’s about giving back to the community, cultivating relationships, and being alive with a purpose.
Last year taught me about the hard work it takes to be dedicated to such a great cause. It was such a fantastic experience! This year, I look forward to doing the same thing, but even better! Each week, I have the distinct honor and privilege to volunteer at SERP. It truly brightens my day to see the sweet kindergartener’s faces — excited to receive my help keeps me motivated and working hard. StucCo has done a fantastic job each year for CB. With this being the million-dollar year, I know it is going to be epic! As I volunteer and give back to SERP I’ve also discovered my love and passion for kids. To see their faces when they’re excited about a story to tell or what they learned in school that day makes me happy! I am elated to champion the journey by helping to build a cradle-to-career pipeline of services and interventions to support the children and families of Southeast Raleigh. I know that with all of stuco grindin this year, we’ll hit out goal for an amazing cause!
Raven Heyward
Flex Officer