During the Thanksgiving season, we are always told to be thankful, mostly for the things we have. My parents take a different approach and remind me to be thankful for more than what I have. “Be thankful for the opportunities you have because some people don’t have them”, they say. As my parents remind me of this, I think about what I’m thankful for. I’m thankful for so many things this year: my family, my friends, my community, and the opportunities I’ve been given through the things I’m a part of, most importantly Enloe Charity Ball. While working on Enloe Charity Ball for the past three years, I’ve been given the opportunities that I’m most thankful for. I’ve been able to give back to my community through three different charities. The one that has had the most impact on me is this year’s beneficiary: Southeast Raleigh Promise. Southeast Raleigh Promise, SERP, is a quarterback organization whose goal is to end intergenerational poverty. They do this by focusing on community wellness, leadership development, mixed-income housing, cradle-to-career education and economic opportunity in their impact area, the Rock Quarry Road Corridor. Through this beneficiary, I was given the opportunity to volunteer at Southeast Raleigh Elementary which supports elementary students in SERP’s impact area. While volunteering with some of the third through fifth grade girls in their afterschool program of girl scouts, I can see SERP’s vision coming to life. I see these girls who want BIG futures for themselves that wouldn’t be possible without the opportunities they’ve been given through Southeast Raleigh Promise. Through volunteering with these girls I am also reminded of what my parents say. I’m reminded to be thankful for all of the opportunities I’m given through Enloe Charity Ball and the work I get to do for this deserving charity.
Grace Beimler
Executive Council