We have all been dealing with adversity for the past year and a half. Covid-19, the pandemic that has raged and killed millions in the past year. Police Brutality, the race epidemic, that has been a result of systemic racism for years. Political crisis, the fight for rights, equality, justice, and a government for the people. That’s not all. The list of challenges and difficulties continue. Poverty, homelessness, food insecurity, mental health, and so much more. There are so many hardships all around us. We end up asking why, why me, why now? Those questions are asked by many teens today. In the movie “Freedom Writers”, there is a scene where teens voice their feelings. They expressed how they come to school and are expected to trust teachers and people who don’t know where they come from. The story behind their life, the struggles and adversity that they face. They voiced their feelings about being a colored teen in a country and the struggles that come with it. A direct quote from this movie is “Everybody thinks we should be happy because we are young”. They don’t see the wars we go through everyday. This movie relates to many of the teen struggles today; especially some of the students in Wake County.
Now you might be wondering, why did I give you all of this information. Well, I told you about that because this is what Haven House Services (HHS) is all about overcoming. Haven House Services focuses on “Strong Youth Bright Futures.” HHS is all about giving the second chances that many youth deserve. One cannot face adversity alone, we have to face adversity together because a united front is always stronger. That is why I am happy to be a member of a group of people that is supporting an organization that works together against the struggles of many youth. With so much adversity in the world, it’s great that we have organizations such as HHS in the community. An organization that creates a long-term impact in our community. I want to leave you with this quote “Adversity in our life may seem like a problem. However, adversity can make us grow and learn, an opportunity that we may never have experienced. It all depends on how you look at it.” – Catherine Pulsifer. Let’s be “Alive with Purpose” and work together to create “A Haven for Good!”
Damarion King
Secretary of Communication