It’s 11:15. The long-awaited dance is over and the last of Enloe’s finest has finally filed out of the venue’s doors. The dance floor isn’t completely empty yet; napkins, cups, and the occasional pair of heels have all been tossed aside and are being gathered up by the remaining Student Council members. The lights are being taken down, the paper snowflakes have been unhooked from the ceiling, and the glitter lining of the floor has been swept away. The dazzling, sparkling, sensational part of Charity Ball season has come to end. What remains now is the legacy of what we have done—all the organizing, the volunteering, and the fundraising we’ve accomplished in the past three months; everyone involved in Enloe Charity Ball knows the difference it will make in so many people’s lives.
It’s easy to get lost in the excitement and chaos of the weeks leading up to Enloe Charity Ball when all you can think about is that Saturday night of friends, pictures, and the first dance of the year. It’s easy to get distracted by the big, shiny number printed on posters and reshared on countless posts and captions. It’s easy to forget about what happens after everything is said and done, about the lives we’ve changed for the better, and the impact that we’ll have on our community for years to come—all because of the culmination of this one night.
But we have to think about the after. For this year’s beneficiary, Haven House Services, the after means more youth in the Raleigh area have a safe place to go when faced with crises like homelessness, food insecurity, or other issues that nobody our age should ever have to deal with. For Enloe Charity Ball, the after means a strengthened relationship with our community and creating more opportunity to support those within it for many more Charity Balls to come.
So this year, on that wild road to 150K, let’s take a moment to really remember what—and who—we’re working so hard for. On December 11th, we can get lost in the dollar signs and the dresses, but for now, let’s remember what comes after.
Annabeth Wood
Executive Standing Committee Officer