From my time of first coming to Enloe, Enloe Charity Ball has amazed me in the way that they are able to do such great work for our local community. By fundraising and hosting numerous events, the student body at Enloe has constantly risen up to the challenge of meeting their goals to create such a profound impact. As a member of the executive council, I am proud to be able to work on this project to help our community youth.
This year, we will be working with Haven House, our beneficiary for this year who is dedicated to curing youth homelessness and troubles. Our goal this year is to raise $150k for the creation of new buildings that will host new facilities and programs for kids in crisis.
My role within the executive council is to help with our finance team, primarily with fundraising. One of the fundraising events which I am excited about is our chess tournament! By encouraging our school and community peers to come together in playing this fun game, we hope to not only raise funds but to emphasize our intent on community togetherness.
Helping others, no matter the circumstances, has always been an important aspect of my life. Whether it is volunteering at a non-profit or teaching chess to my peers, compassion is a defining characteristic that influences the way I interact with my community. Through our collaboration with Haven House, I’ve been given the opportunity to actively improve the lives of kids my age facing crises at home. Enloe Charity Ball is an outlet for student-led leadership to make a profound difference that improves the lives of kids today to ensure a brighter future.
Riddhik Basu
Standing Committee Officer