I’ve forever aspired to be great. Perfection, the irrational basis of human action, is the first thing in my mind. Charity Ball has taught me that greatness and perfection does not come in action, but rather in emotion, belief, and perseverance.
The obstacles faced by high school students are immense. From school to sports to family, we work on living and living up. All members of Student Council make mistakes—forgetting a meeting, slip-ups on physical publicity, or slacking off on fundraising emails. But the meaning of these mishaps lies not in the action itself, but the drive to be better. Every year, Charity Ball builds and rebuilds, paving the path for future leaders and well-purposed peers.
The unique circumstances of this Charity Ball season presents even more challenges. Not to repeat the infamous phrase, but last year was unprecedented. I struggled to stay connected to Student Council and Charity Ball. I was disappointed, but I knew that the organization was still in action. We were still alive with purpose.
This year, I came with a new purpose: to put more into Charity Ball than I had in the two years past, and attempt to grow into a personally uncomfortable role as a leader. I began to co-lead the organization of our annual Kickball Tournament, something that I had been far removed from in the past. I learned about the history of the event, and realized that its potential was not so far-fetched. One Friday, I enthusiastically presented to prospective Kickball captains with the help of several Student Council members, before running to my car to grab my lunch. On a Thursday, I attended strategic planning, trying to fit in as much brainstorming and collaboration as I could before the short trek to basketball practice. I quickly became entrenched in Charity Ball, a fact that I have forever wanted to be true, and with just under a month before Charity Ball, I am optimistic. I know that mistakes we make are recoverable and there is always more we can do.
Charity Ball is great, and through it, as a member of the Enloe community, everyone has the ability to make it greater. I’ve learned that it is perfect in its own way. Not only because our failures and successes are all wrapped up in one check for charity, but more importantly because Charity Ball is made up of people with a perfect passion and dedication to our community. Not yet perfect in action, but most definitely perfect in drive.
Whitney Hall
Executive Standing Committee Officer