I have played hockey for 10 years and lived on this planet for 16, but until this year I had never heard the phrase “Buy In”. “Buying In” is accepting of and being willing to actively support and participate in something. The phrase was first introduced to our hockey team this year and as the captain of the team, I took it to heart. Our team built our foundations on “buying in” and this unified our team to envision our goal: to win a national championship. Every player needs to truly believe in not only in accomplishing the goal. When everyone buys in, the team is complete.
Enloe Charity Ball is no different—a group of 80 students working for the same goal. Last year, I watched as the Enloe Charity Ball raised $160,000 for Haven House Services. I was shocked at the sheer quantity of money but never truly understood what happens behind the scenes. This year, I was able to be a part of the Enloe Charity Ball process. When I first started to work with other students on student council, I was shocked to see how much work ethic and creativity my new teammates had. Student council is a team and the people I am working with truly want the best for each other.
On top of a great team, Enloe Charity Ball has a great beneficiary and partner in crime this year. Alliance Medical Ministry has an imperative mission: providing whole-person primary care for working, uninsured adults in Wake County. I am honored to be able to buy in with AMM to make a difference in our community. Getting the opportunities to help select AMM as our beneficiary for 2022 and help with events like Mini Charity Ball has already shown me the type of impact we can have on a community. Witnessing our impact motivates me to “Buy In” to the whole Enloe Charity Ball process. I am thrilled and thankful for the opportunity to work with Enloe Charity Ball to raise $175,000 for Alliance Medical Ministry this year.
Kevin Ma
Alumni Relations Officer