In my eyes, “home” begins not with the physical characteristics of one’s dwelling, but instead with the lives and dreams to which its amenities breed occupance. When returning to my quiet neighborhood after long days at school, victim to the lull of senior-year-induced exhaustion, I am challenged to uphold this idea in my mind. Upon taking only a few steps into my home, I often find myself onset with an endless list of tedious chores, from washing the dishes and folding laundry to tending to the various needs of my family members. Feeling the weight of my piling homework assignments and other responsibilities, even standard tasks such as these can begin to feel overwhelming.
Even so, engaging with Alliance Medical Ministry so closely this year has allowed me to consider the privilege that lies behind the ability to care for our own homes and selves. We navigate a country today that is confronted by a widespread lack of access to healthcare, one that is ravaged by disparities targeting its Black and Brown communities. Through service work with AMM, I have gained hands-on experience confronting the challenges that threaten the one home no person can live without: the body. Knee-deep in AMM’s garden, I am reminded most of the value behind the relationship we hold with our bodies. I believe that physical and mental health uniquely coincide as the first steps in pursuing the dreams and ambitions that run through our minds. Without caring for our bodies, for our homes, we can not show up as our fullest selves each day. I feel proud to support AMM in its undertaking of eliminating medical expenses as a boundary to physical wellness and in turn, personal dreaming.
Today, as I tidy up around my house even on the most stressful days, my most mundane chores have left me with a greater sense of meaning. I think not of the hassle that goes into my puttering, but the support I am able to lend to others in my household. We all deserve a clean and loved space to reside in, with our bodies being no exception. As I continue to embark alongside Alliance Medical Ministry this Charity Ball season, I encourage others to see the power their actions hold in creating meaningful changes.
Ava Wharton
Equity Officer