I was nearing the end of my volunteering shift at Southeast Raleigh Elementary School when I grabbed a whiteboard eraser from a nearby container and started to wipe math equations off the table. A group of first-graders huddled around me, eagerly waiting for me to finish my task. They asked me if I was going to join them in their recess. When I told them that I had to go home, they let out a collective “awwwwww”. It broke my heart that I couldn’t be there for these kids, but it was heartwarming to know that I made an impact on their lives.
Having the chance to participate in the various events we have throughout the Charity Ball season is such an amazing opportunity. From cheering in the Christmas Parade to getting to go to Marbles early to set up for Charity Ball, I was thrilled to be involved in the process. The memories I made along the way stuck with me. I can still feel my fingers being cold to the touch and my chest being sore from all the laughs I had during Fall Retreat. These intimate connections to Charity Ball made me even more motivated to raise money for Alliance Medical Ministry.
Charity Ball season has always been fast-paced—events held every weekend, weekly fundraising goals, recurring student council meetings. But moments like these remind me to slow down and cherish the memories I make along the way.
Neha Pothireddy
Community Council Coordinator