Throughout my past few years on Enloe student council, I learned how important spreading love and service is to a good community at school and in Raleigh. As a sophomore, I was nervous to run for student council because I wasn’t sure if I would get elected but I’m so glad I decided to take the chance. My peers on the student council welcomed me and made me immediately glad I had joined. It’s their kindness that made the time we all put in worth it and made me excited to keep coming back to meetings. Raising 175,000 dollars as high school students is a big deal and it would not be possible without passionate and loving members who truly care about their beneficiaries.
Last year, I had the privilege of working with our beneficiary Haven House, a local Raleigh nonprofit dedicated to helping less fortunate youth be safe and supported. After talking to my family about how excited I was to start working with them, I found out that my dad had actually been helped frequently by the non-profit when he was a kid. He shared with me how much they impacted his life and supported him, and this made me realize how important the work we are doing is- and how directly it impacts the lives of those around me.
This knowledge of the benefit that our work gives to the community around us is what inspires me to work with our beneficiaries. I am so thankful for the love and kindness of the Enloe Charity Ball community and I can’t wait to see it continue to spread throughout the Enloe and Raleigh community!
Anna Kiser
Standing Committee Officer