“What you are defined by is what you are willing to struggle for.” -Mark Manson
Throughout my life, I’ve always been told to set my best foot forward. Whether this was inside or outside of the classroom, I’ve always set one foot in front of the other to achieve my goals. It doesn’t matter how big the steps are; the key is to never stop. Similarly, Enloe Charity Ball is a process that requires meticulous planning and is achieved one step at a time. Every event and every memory made is a carefully organized and crucial part of the ECB process. Volunteering, caroling, kickball tournaments, and Trunk or Treat are just a few examples of the steps we took along the way to reach our goal. In addition, every dollar raised from these events goes to our beneficiary, Alliance Medical Ministry, so not only are these memories made to be treasured and looked back upon, but these events are also for a good cause. I will forever cherish the memories made from these events because it reminds me of the hard work we put into these events and how well they paid off. We only have 11 days left until Charity Ball, but I’m eager and hopeful to see what we can accomplish as a council.
However, with success must come failure. We have faced setbacks and complications. Just recently, we have had Space Jam, an opportunity to showcase musical talent from Enloe students, canceled because of a technical issue. This would’ve been the first Space Jam since Covid started. Although we are disappointed, setbacks like these won’t break us. I have seen too many of my council members work too hard to sit and mope because it means one less memory made, or an opportunity to raise a few hundred dollars lost. Instead, we will push forward. I’ve seen committees working during lunch almost every day just to make special events like these happen. I have seen my friend, Alex Gilliland, working tirelessly on banners during and after school to publicize the variety of events and fundraisers Charity Ball has to offer. So as we move forward, step by step, Charity Ball will forever mean joy, pain, love, and many sleepless nights. We are defined by Charity Ball, and if there’s one memory we want the Enloe student body to take away from this, let’s make the best night of their life.
Destin Tan
Sophomore Class President