They say a butterfly can flap its wings and cause a typhoon. How such a small thing can make such a significant impact might be hard to fathom, but on student council, I’ve had the amazing privilege to experience it for myself.
Two years ago, when I first ran for student council, I wasn’t aware of the scope of student council’s impact. Honestly, I did it partly because I thought it would be fun and partly because it would be good for college applications. What I didn’t expect was to find myself developing a true passion for helping others. Enloe Student Council does what other schools don’t and every day I am amazed by what we can accomplish when we work together. One act of kindness can really change someone’s life. It is still astonishing to me that we, high schoolers, have been given the opportunity to do huge philanthropy in our community and have a real impact.
It starts with you. $175,000 can seem like an overwhelming amount of money to raise, but it is manageable in smaller steps. Council is a well-oiled machine, with each person’s role vital to the success of the fundraiser. My job on student council is in publicity, which I love so much. From creating and putting up banners and posters with physical publicity to creating and posting content for our social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to, my favorite, everything related to this website and blog. Any contribution is a contribution, no matter how small in comparison to the overall impact. It all comes together and is the most satisfying, most fulfilling feeling ever.
Once again, I find myself pitching Charity Ball’s mission to everyone who will listen, hoping that one kind person will be touched and contribute to our impact. If I can inspire just one other person, all my work is worth it. With this, I call on you to spread your butterfly wings and create a typhoon.
Cathy Deng
Standing Committee Officer