When I was in eighth grade, I had an older brother who attended Enloe who, like many other Enloe students, was going to Enloe Charity Ball. I bothered him with questions about where they got the money, who it was going to, how they could reach that thousands-of-dollars goal by just selling tickets. He said he would find out and let me know. That was in 2019, when Enloe Charity Ball raised over $200,000 for Southeast Raleigh Promise.
Now in 2023, four years and what feels like a lifetime later, we have promised to raise $165,000 for Neighbor to Neighbor and have anticipated this upcoming Saturday for months. Our council has spent countless hours doing all that we can to follow in the footsteps of those before us, and create pathways for those who come after us.
Before I knew much about Enloe Charity Ball, I knew it was about something bigger than a dance. The idea that students were able to make such an impact and change for something bigger than themselves, something bigger than the school, was astounding. Even now, seeing the dedication and drive that council members have is always inspiring. When they’re caroling in their neighborhoods, when they’re interacting with students at Neighbor to Neighbor, and even when they yell across the gym lobby at their friends to buy hot chocolate.
The impact Enloe Charity Ball has (had) on the Enloe and Raleigh community will be evidently long-lasting, as I believe it has been, and will continue to be in my life. I’ve been able to form so many friendships, fond memories, and learn so much about collaboration, steadfastness, and determination. This being my third, and final, year working on Enloe Charity Ball, I am incredibly proud to say that I have been a part of, what I believe is, something bigger.
Darcy Watts