Before the pandemic shut the world down, we presented a check of over $207k to Southeast Raleigh Promise (SERP) at our titular charity ball. SERP is dedicated to eliminating the intergenerational poverty that plagues the predominantly Black Southeast Raleigh Area.
Getting to that moment was no easy task. Before that four-month period in-between our first meeting of the school year and the dance itself, I had never experienced an operation so large and coordinated. What stuck out to me the most was that nobody was just a simple cog in the machine. Everyone – from freshmen to the 5 highest ranking seniors – played a distinct role in making the Charity Ball magic happen.
I served on the Publicity Committee, where I worked with my peers to ensure that the community was aware of our efforts to support SERP. We created advertisements and hung them up all throughout downtown Raleigh. I remember how good it felt when a business said “yes” when we asked to hang up a poster.
This small part of the Charity Ball effort wasn’t masterminded by one single person. Each of us in the group had input and we all shared the workload. Nobody felt like they weren’t being heard. It was a culmination of all of our individual effort, creativity, and passion.
Now, the money from Charity Ball is currently being used by SERP to provide subsidized housing, educational enrichment, and leadership development to Southeast Raleighites. This year, we hope to raise $150k for Haven House, so they can further provide for the youth of the Wake County area. I, along with the rest of Charity Ball, am passionate about Haven House’s mission and can’t wait to present them with the money they so desperately need.
Neel Singh
Standing Committee Officer