For the past four months, the halls of Enloe High School have been buzzing with Charity Ball mania: fundraising, caroling, sending emails, volunteering and more. Hours of student council meetings and fundraising events all leading up to the night of charity ball. On December 10, hundreds of students dressed to the nines will file inside Marbles Kids Museum, gathered to witness the biggest moment of Charity Ball season: the check presentation. The entire building will cheer as Big 5 walks to the top of the stairs, triumphantly holding a giant check above their heads. The night of Charity Ball is a huge event, and with all of the glitz and glamor of that night, along with the hustle and bustle of charity ball season, it’s important to remember what we’re doing this all for.
In the Raleigh community, many working adults are living without healthcare. With the recent pandemic still lingering, the services that Alliance Medical Ministry provides are more vital than ever. With mental and physical health services being provided, Alliance Medical Ministry saves and improves the quality of life of many people in our community. Every hour volunteering and every dollar raised goes to our short-term goal for Alliance Medical Ministry, and our long-term goal of improving the community for future generations. In a few years, fundraising for ECB will be a distant memory for many current student council members, but the impact that Enloe Charity Ball has on our community will live on forever. All of the time, effort, and care that is put into charity ball today will touch everyone in our community tomorrow, and for years to come. I am incredibly grateful for the time I have been able to spend working with Enloe Charity Ball, and I am proud of the work that we are doing for the Raleigh community.
Olivia Stallworth
Senior Class President