Monday, Room 607, 3:20 PM. From my corner, I observe the bustling committees—Outreach, Logistics, Publicity, Service, Finance; the fumes of diligence and passion seem to burst throughout the room. As someone begins designing a banner for the atrium and another begins allocating tasks for 2A Wars, I am reminded of a concept that perfectly matches the sight in front of me, a concept that I learned from my Macroeconomics class but can be applied in nearly all areas of life. Specialization.
Indeed, my economics teacher engrained in me the idea of specialization of labor, specifically its benefits, from increased output and efficiency to an overall higher standard of living. Enloe Charity Ball represents this concept on a smaller scale as members contribute to the cause with their specialized affinities, joining different committees and sharing their gifts and passions. For example, last year, while my friend, an accomplished chess player, organized the Charity Ball chess tournament, I contributed through music, playing holiday pieces for coffee sales and performing violin at a fundraising party. What is the result of this specialization, similar to that for modern-day economies? Increased output and efficiency, all to raise the standard of living of the community around us. In other words, more events, more donations, more joy.
I look around again. Despite the split-up goals, there lies a communal understanding, a communal objective. In fact, this division of labor increases the efficiency and joy with which we reach this communal objective. Thus, the verdict is clear: specialization helps bring light to the truly special nature of Enloe Charity Ball.
Jaeyee Jung
Community Outreach Officer